Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is a broad name for a number of conditions affecting the function of the heart and blood vessels. In recent years these conditions have been on the increase, however, people are living longer with the disease due to improved medical care, which includes physiotherapy. Nowadays, early rehabilitation of the cardiac patient is standard medical procedure and physiotherapy for the cardiac patient is tailored to the person’s physical condition and needs.

The goal of cardiac rehabilitation is to restore the patient, whether he has a chronic condition or an acute event, to optimal function. Physiotherapy imparts the tools a person needs to lead a more educated lifestyle and thus prevent a recurrence of the event or condition. As your physiotherapist, we begin with a thorough evaluation of your strength, endurance and rate of exertion during activity. We will educate you on your condition and advise you on any lifestyle changes you may need to make. Energy conservation (proper balance of rest and activity) is always encouraged. The programme is then tailored to meet your specific needs.

What to expect from a cardiac rehab programme?

You can expect regular exercise to improve blood circulation, increase energy and endurance and to prevent pooling of venous blood in the legs and resultant dizziness. We also can guide you on breathing exercises to maximise your lung sptum expulsion. During and after therapy, we will monitor your blood oxygen saturation, blood pressure, pulse and resting heart rate and ask you about your rate of perceived exertion. Depending on your responses, therapy will continue on the same course or may be modified to suit your condition.

Some benefits of cardiac rehabilitation:

  • Recovery from the disease
  • Increased strength and endurance
  • Improved blood pressure levels
  • Decreased stress

After completing a physiotherapy rehabilitation programme, many patients report that they feel better than they had before they became ill. This is because physiotherapy also manages other conditions that co-existed with or might have given rise to cardiovascular disease including excess weight, stress and high blood pressure, to name a few. So if you suffer from heart disease, come and see us. We’ll be happy to chat with you.

Take a breath;

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